Creating an FPGA FlexRIO Project

Complete the following steps to create an FPGA FlexRIO project in LabVIEW.

  1. In LabVIEW, select Create Project.
  2. Select LabVIEW FPGA Project and click Finish.
  3. In the Create New LabVIEW FPGA Project window, select FlexRIO on My Computer and click Next.
  4. Under System Setup, select one of the following options.
    1. Discover existing system - select this option if your FlexRIO FPGA target is installed in your computer.
    2. Create new system - select this option if your hardware is not available or not connected.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select your FlexRIO FPGA target from the drop-down menu. When you select a target, the wizard provides information about the target's FPGA type and DRAM, if applicable.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. The project appears in the Project Explorer window.
    • For information about configuring your FlexRIO FPGA module, refer to Configuring Your FlexRIO FPGA Target.
    • For information about configuring your project to use DRAM, refer to DRAM Interfaces.
    • For information about programming your device with FlexRIO VIs, refer to the FlexRIO LabVIEW API documentation.
    • For information about accessing advanced configuration options for FlexRIO devices and applications, refer to the FlexRIO LabVIEW API documentation.