Installed Examples

FlexRIO includes several example applications for LabVIEW. These examples serve as interactive tools, programming models, and as building blocks in your own applications.

LabVIEW users can use the Example Finder to search or browse examples. FlexRIO examples are classified by keyword, so you can search for a particular device or measurements function. With LabVIEW running, select Help»Find Examples to launch the NI Example Finder. The NI Example Finder offers two ways to access all installed LabVIEW example VIs and their descriptions.

  • Click the Browse tab to locate FlexRIO examples by task at Hardware Input and Output»FlexRIO.
  • Click the Search tab to search all installed examples by keyword. For example, search for "FlexRIO" to locate all FlexRIO examples.
Note Some of the FlexRIO examples support only certain FlexRIO devices. To check if an example supports your device, click the example name in NI Example Finder and view the supported devices in the Requirements section at the bottom-right of the window.

Examples also are available online that demonstrate FlexRIO basics, such as using DRAM, acquiring data from adapter modules, and performing high throughput streaming. Refer to for these examples and for more information.