Configuring Your FlexRIO FPGA Target
- Updated2024-09-23
- 1 minute(s) read
Configuring Your FlexRIO FPGA Target
You can configure FlexRIO FPGA targets from the Project Explorer window. Complete the following steps to configure your FlexRIO FPGA target.
- Create a new FlexRIO project or open an existing project.
- Add an FPGA target to the project.
- Right-click the FPGA target in the Project Explorer window and select Properties from the shortcut menu. The FPGA Target Properties Dialog Box appears.
- Select General from the Category list.
- Enter a Name for the FPGA target. The Name identifies the FPGA target in the Project Explorer window.
- (Optional) If you did not select an existing target when you added the FPGA target to the project, enter a Resource for the FPGA target, which can be found in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). The Resource associates the FPGA target in the Project Explorer window with a specific FPGA target connected to the development computer, network computer, or RT target.
- (Optional) Specify the execution mode you want to use to debug an FPGA VI on the Execution Mode page.
Note LabVIEW displays only the options that the current FPGA target supports.
- (Optional) Specify the top-level clock on the Top-Level Clock page.
- (Optional) Add, create, or modify component-level IP declaration XML files on the Component-Level IP page.
- (Optional) Configure target-scoped properties for accessing DRAM on the DRAM Properties page.
- (Optional) Configure conditional disable symbols on the Conditional Disable Symbols page.
- Click OK.