Adding Your Custom Adapter Module and Module I/O in LabVIEW
- Updated2024-09-23
- 2 minute(s) read
Adding Your Custom Adapter Module and Module I/O in LabVIEW
Note In software, FlexRIO adapter
modules are referred to as IO Modules.
To use your adapter module with LabVIEW, complete the following steps:
- Create a new LabVIEW project.
- Add your FPGA target to the
The FlexRIO FPGA module appears in the Project Explorer
window with an unconfigured adapter module.
- To configure your adapter module, right-click the IO Module item under the FPGA Target and select Properties to display the IO Module Properties dialog box.
- Select the Enable IO Module checkbox to enable the adapter module, and select your adapter module from the IO Modules list.
- The adapter module socketed CLIP you created should appear in the Component Level
IP list. Select your adapter module CLIP from the
Component Level IP list. The adapter module and CLIP
descriptions display in the Details box. If there were errors
with your .tbc file or the CLIP XML file, syntax errors are
displayed and must be corrected for the items to appear correctly.
- In the Clock Selections category, configure any CLIP clock
as necessary.
- Click OK. Your custom I/O now appears underneath the IO Module in the project, and your adapter module is ready for use.