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Numeric Channels <-> Time Channels

Numeric Channels <-> Time Channels

Use this dialog box to convert numeric channels into time channels and vice versa.


Channel Specifies which channel to convert.
Store results in original channel Overwrites the values of the input channel. Do not select this setting if you want to use the input channel again.
Conversion mode Determines whether you convert a numeric channel to a time channel or vice versa.
Start time Specifies the start time DIAdem adds as an offset to the numeric values. The start time must be between the year 0 and the year 9999. If you enter an incorrect start time, DIAdem corrects it.
Offset correction Determines whether DIAdem subtracts the first value as offset from the subsequent values of the time channel.
If you want to use waveform channels in this dialog box, follow Rule 2.3 for Calculating with Waveform Channels.


DIAdem generates a time channel or a numeric channel.

Note  The DIAdem time format does not contain any geographical information. Use the ApplicationTimebaseHighResolution variable to specify the accuracy of the time values.

Script Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "ANAChnTimeNumericConversion")



Related Topics

Channels <-> Assignment Channels | Channels <-> XY-Channels | Converting Numeric Channels into XY-Channels | Converting Numerical Channels into Waveform Channels | Numeric Channels <-> Complex Channels | Numeric Channels <-> Waveform Channels

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