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Enclosed Area

Enclosed Area

Use this dialog box to calculate the enclosed area. DIAdem only executes the calculation when each curve overlaps with a second curve over the length of at least two curve points in x-direction.

DIAdem calculates the partial areas of the first overlapping to the first intersection point of two curves, from intersection to intersection, and to the last overlapping. If there are more than two curves, the envelope curves are the boundaries of the partial areas. If you use only one curve, DIAdem calculates the area between curve and x-axis.


Add Entry Creates a new line to define a further curve. Click in a field and specify the x-channel and the y-channel or a waveform channel from the Data Portal.
Delete Entry Deletes the selected curve.
Move Entry Up Moves the selected curve up. The first curve determines the sign of the partial areas: Partial areas above the first curve have a positive sign and the partial areas below the first curve have a negative sign.
Move Entry Down Moves the selected curve down.
  X-channel Specifies the x-channel of a curve.
  Y-channel Specifies the y-channel of a curve. If you select only waveform channels, you do not need to specify x-channels.
  Summation Determines whether the area calculation includes signs when adding the partial areas. If DIAdem does not use signs, DIAdem adds the amounts of the partial areas.
If DIAdem uses signs, DIAdem assigns a negative sign to a partial area if the partial area is below the first curve. If you use only one curve to calculate the area between this curve and the x-axis, the partial areas below the x-axis receive negative signs.
DIAdem only uses signs for one or for two curves. For more than two curves, DIAdem adds the sums of the partial areas.
  Overlap Specifies the x value range of the area calculation for more than two curves. In the case of complete overlapping, the joint x-value range refers to all curves. If the overlap is only minimal, the joint x-value range refers to at least two curves.
If you want to use waveform channels in this dialog box, follow Rule 2.2 for Calculating with Waveform Channels.


DIAdem generates three result channels. The first result channel Segments contains the x-values of the curve begin, curve end, and curve intersections. The second result channel Areas receives the partial areas between the curves and the third result channel SumOfAreas receives the summated partial areas.

Script Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnEnclosedArea")



Area Calculation between Curves

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