DIAdem Help

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Numeric Channels <-> Waveform Channels

Numeric Channels <-> Waveform Channels

Use this dialog box to convert numeric channels into waveform channels and vice versa.


  X-channel Specifies the channel containing the x-part of the waveform channels to be created.
  Y-channels Specifies the channel or the channels containing the y-part of the waveform channels to be created.
  Channels Specifies the waveform channels that DIAdem converts into numeric channels.
Select Channels Opens the channel selection list.
  Delete x-channel Specifies whether DIAdem deletes the x-channel when the x-channel is converted into a waveform channel.
  Maintain as waveform channels Specifies whether DIAdem receives the channels as waveform channels after the conversion to xy channels.
  Conversion mode Specifies whether you convert numeric channels to waveform channels or vice versa.
  Relative time reference/Absolute time reference Specifies whether DIAdem generates waveforms with relative or absolute time reference when converting numeric channels to waveform channels. For absolute time reference, the x-channel must be a DIAdem time channel.
  Create numeric channel (relative time reference)/Create time channel (absolute time reference) Specifies whether DIAdem takes into consideration the waveform start time when converting waveform channels to numeric channels. If you consider the start time (absolute time reference), DIAdem generates a time channel, otherwise DIAdem generates a numeric channel (relative time reference).


When you convert numeric channels into waveform channels, DIAdem creates a waveform channel from every specified y-channel. The values in the x-channel must be equidistant.

When you convert an xy-channel to a waveform channel, DIAdem automatically removes the xy relationship.

When you convert waveform channels into numeric channels, DIAdem creates a y-channel and an x-channel (time channel) from every waveform channel. If waveform channels are located consecutively in a group in the Data Portal, and if they have the same x-part, DIAdem creates one common x-channel for these channels.

To calculate quantity-based in DIAdem, click the Calculate Quantity-Based button on the DIAdem ANALYSIS toolbar. When executing quantity-based calculations, DIAdem checks whether the program can also execute calculations on physical quantities in the same calculation. If DIAdem cannot execute the calculation because the physical quantities are unsuitable, the program displays an error message. Refer to the Help page Calculating Quantity-Based and Non-Quantity-Based in DIAdem for the conditions and rules for quantity-based calculations.

Note  The DIAdem time format does not contain any geographical information. Use the ApplicationTimebaseHighResolution variable to specify the accuracy of the time values.

Script Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnToWfChn")



Related Topics

Calculating with Waveform Channels | Channels <-> Assignment Channels | Channels <-> XY-Channels | Converting Numeric Channels into XY-Channels | Converting Numerical Channels into Waveform Channels | Numeric Channels <-> Complex Channels | Numeric Channels <-> Time Channels | Synchronizing Videos and Waveform Data

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