Selecting, Labeling, and Exporting Data Logs

After you select a data repository to view, the Bench Data Connector Browser generates a table with a row for each data log within the selected repository.

Each table row contains all values in the data log for each visible table column. The Browser inserts a placeholder in table cells that do not include relevant information in the data log.


When you open a data repository for the first time, the Setup Folder window appears with options to select a layout configuration (if available) and to select the information to display in the Browser.

  • Select a data repository from the drop-down menu on the Browser landing page.
  • Select the layout configuration and visible columns in the Setup Folder window.
  • Select the columns of data to display in the Browser.
  • If needed, sort and filter the data that appears in the columns displayed in the Browser.
  1. Click the check box in the left-most column of a row to select a data log. You can click the check box in the column header to select all rows in the table.
    Note After you select a data log, a menu will appear at the bottom of the Browser which contains several options and displays the number of rows selected.
  2. Click Flag (1378) to tag the selected data log(s) for additional review. If needed, you can click this button again to remove the flag from the selected data log(s).
  3. Click Comment (1378) to add a text comment to the selected data log(s). If there is an existing comment on the data log, the existing comment will be opened for editing.

    You can insert tags within comments for filtering purposes. To create a tag, insert a “#” character before the text that you want to use as the tag. For example, #DataLogTag.

    Use the Search (1378) feature, located in the top-right area of the Browser, to search for comments and tags applied to data logs in the selected repository.

  4. Click Export (1378) to download the selected data log(s) to a specified directory as a CSV file.
  5. Click Delete (1378) to remove the selected data log(s) from the repository.
    Notice Deleting a data log from the Browser will also delete the relevant file on your local machine. Use caution when deleting data log files from the Browser to avoid unintentional data loss.
    Click Proceed to confirm the deletion of the data log from the Browser.
  6. Label each data log as Valid or Invalid using the controls in the bottom-right corner of the Browser.
    Note After you apply a label to the selected data log(s), the Browser will move the selection downward to the next table row to facilitate continuous labeling of data logs.
  • Use the Current Folder drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the Browser to navigate between data repository folders.
  • Click Refresh (1378) to update the Browser with any new data logs or modifications to existing data logs within the selected repository. All new information appears in the Browser automatically.