Filtering Data in Browser Columns

The Bench Data Connector Browser supports filters for numeric data and string data within a data log table column.

The Filter menu, which is accessible from the column header, provides a field to select column filter operations. The options in this menu are dependent on the data type that is present in the column. This menu also includes a list of the unique values within the column that you can select, as well as a search bar to locate data within the list.

The Filter menu includes options for the following Browser column filter operations.

Note Browser column filter operations for string data also apply to datetime data.
Table 1. Browser Column Filter Operation Support
Numeric String
Equals (==) Equals (==)
Does Not Equal (!=) Does Not Equal (!=)
Greater Than (>) Begins With
Greater Than or Equal To (>=) Contains
Less Than (<) Does Not Contain
Less Than or Equal To (<=) Ends With
  1. Click the Filter button (1378) in a column header cell in the data log table.
  2. Select the filter criteria to apply to the column from the available options.
    1. Select a filter operation from the drop-down menu and enter a value in the field that is beside the menu.
    2. If needed, select specific data from the list of unique values within the column. Use the search bar to locate data within the list.
  3. Click Apply.