Instrument Session Types

Session Manager supports the following instrument session types:

  • IVI Sessions—Use an IVI session to obtain the C-based instance handle for an IVI logical or virtual instrument name.
    Note   NI Session Manager does not support IVI-COM drivers.
  • VXIplug&play Sessions—Use a VXIplug&play session to obtain a C-based instance handle for a VXIplug&play logical or virtual instrument name. Configure VXIplug&play names in the NISessionMgr.ini file located in the <VXIplug&play directory>\WinNT or Win64 directory (for example, C:\<Program Files>\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\NISessionMgr.ini).
  • VISA Sessions—Use a VISA instrument session to obtain a C-based viSession handle for a VISA resource or logical name. Configure VISA logical names in the NISessionMgr.ini file located in the <VXIplug&play directory>\WinNT or Win64 directory (for example, C:\<Program Files>\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\NISessionMgr.ini).
  • Custom Sessions—Use a custom session to create a data container object that shares ActiveX objects you create or other data among software components you write. Use the Attach and Get methods to attach data to and retrieve data from a session. A custom session does not initialize, close, or own an instrument handle. The data you share with a custom session does not have to be instrumentation related. You can create a custom session with any name you request.
    Note   Always prefix custom session names with CUSTOM::.
  • SE Sessions—Use an NI Switch Executive session to obtain the C-based instance handle for a virtual device.
    Note   The handles you obtain for IVI, VXIplug&play, and VISA are occasionally referred to as sessions. The instrument sessions Session Manager creates are smart sessions that manage IVI, VXIplug&play, and VISA sessions.