Components of SystemLink Enterprise System

SystemLink Enterprise implements a server-client architecture to transmit data over a connected network between your systems and server. Use the minimum required SystemLink Enterprise system components as a starting point for building your system.

To learn which version of the component software is compatible with your version of SystemLink Enterprise, refer to the Related information.

Table 1. Minimum Required SystemLink Enterprise System Components
Component Description and Recommendations
Kubernetes cluster
  • A Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes with Linux worker nodes.
  • Helm to configure and to install the application.
  • Dynamic Volume Provisioning enabled on the cluster.
    Note If you are deploying to a cluster hosted in Amazon Web Services, you must use Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. SystemLink Enterprise does not support Amazon Elastic File Storage (EFS) volumes.
  • An NFS storage provisioner or equivalent storage class with ReadWriteMany access.
External data storage
  • An Amazon S3 or Amazon S3-like file storage interface.
  • A PostgreSQL instance or replica set.
  • A MongoDB instance or replica set.
Networking and user authentication
  • An NGINX Ingress Controller for HTTP communication.
  • DNS and three distinct host names.
  • An identity provider with support for the OpenID Connect protocol.
  • Network access to the NI Artifact repository.
SystemLink Client Use SystemLink Client to communicate with targets. Refer to the Related reference for information about the requirements for targets.

Sizing a SystemLink Enterprise Cluster

SystemLink Enterprise can run on as few as two Kubernetes worker nodes and can scale to as many nodes as needed for your organization. To determine specific hardware requirements for your deployment, contact your account representative.

For production deployments, NI encourages administrators to provision enough worker nodes to enable a high availability configuration.