Automating Actions with Routines

Create routines to automate an action when an event occurs.

  1. In the SystemLink web application, click Analysis » Routines.
  2. Click Create routine.
  3. In the Create Routine window, enter a name and description for your routine.
  4. Specify the workspace you want to associate the routine with.
    Note Routines always run with the permissions of the user who created the routine regardless of who else interacts with the routine afterward. Users with access to the same workspace as the routine can enable it. Therefore, if a user with administrator permissions creates a routine, other users with fewer permissions can still enable that routine.
  5. Specify the event you want SystemLink Enterprise to monitor for the event configuration.
    At a specified date and time Triggers on a specific cadence.
    File uploaded Triggers when a new file is uploaded.
    File metadata changed Triggers when an existing file is updated.
  6. Configure event details.
  7. Specify the automation you want SystemLink Enterprise to run for the routine automation configuration.
    Execute a notebook Executes a Jupyter notebook.
    Note If you do not see the notebook you are looking for, ensure the following.
    • You published the notebook to a workspace you can access.
    • You assigned one of the following interfaces to the notebook.
      • Periodic Execution: use this interface for time-based events.
      • File Analysis or Test Data Extraction: use these interfaces for file-based events
  8. Configure automation details.
  9. Click Create.
  10. If you selected Execute a notebook, navigate to Analysis » Executions to see executions for your routine.
    Note SystemLink Enterprise preserves up to 16 MB of notebook execution data for 7 days. If you must retain large amounts of execution data for longer, ensure your notebook saves and uploads your data to SystemLink Enterprise.