Counter n Source Signal

The selected edge of the Counter n Source signal increments and decrements the counter value depending on the application the counter is performing. The following table lists how this terminal is used in various applications.

Table 29. Counter Applications and Counter n Source
Application Purpose of Source Terminal
Pulse Generation Counter Timebase
One Counter Time Measurements Counter Timebase
Two Counter Time Measurements Input Terminal
Non-Buffered Edge Counting Input Terminal
Buffered Edge Counting Input Terminal
Two-Edge Separation Counter Timebase

Routing a Signal to Counter n Source

Each counter has independent input selectors for the Counter n Source signal. Any of the following signals can be routed to the Counter n Source input:
  • 80 MHz Timebase

  • 20 MHz Timebase

  • 13.1072 MHz Timebase

  • 12.8 MHz Timebase

  • 10 MHz Timebase

  • 100 kHz Timebase

  • Any PFI terminal

  • Analog Comparison Event

  • Change Detection Event

In addition, TC or Gate from a counter can be routed to a different counter source.

Some of these options may not be available in some driver software. Refer to the "Device Routing in MAX" topic in the NI-DAQmx Help or the LabVIEW Help for more information about available routing options.

Routing Counter n Source to an Output Terminal

You can route Counter n Source out to any PFI terminal.