Counter n Gate Signal

The Counter n Gate signal can perform many different operations depending on the application including starting and stopping the counter, and saving the counter contents.

Routing a Signal to Counter n Gate

Each counter has independent input selectors for the Counter n Gate signal. Any of the following signals can be routed to the Counter n Gate input:
  • Any PFI terminal

  • AI Reference Trigger

  • AI Start Trigger

  • AO Sample Clock

  • DI Sample Clock

  • DI Reference Trigger

  • DO Sample Clock

  • Change Detection Event

  • Analog Comparison Event

In addition, a counter’s Internal Output or Source can be routed to a different counter’s gate.

Some of these options may not be available in some driver software. Refer to the "Device Routing in MAX" topic in the NI-DAQmx Help or the LabVIEW Help for more information about available routing options.

Routing Counter n Gate to an Output Terminal

You can route Counter n Gate out to any PFI terminal.