Verifying the Installation
- Updated2024-04-18
- 3 minute(s) read
Verifying the Installation
Before using the PXI-2567, verify that it is installed correctly through Hardware Configuration Utility or MAX.
Verifying the Installation in Hardware
Configuration Utility
NI recommends using Hardware Configuration Utility to perform and validate initial hardware configuration.
Open Hardware Configuration Utility.
The PXI-2567 should appear in the system pane automatically.
Record the name Hardware Configuration Utility assigns to the PXI-2567 or, if desired, provide a custom name to
the PXI-2567.
Use this name when programming the PXI-2567.
Validate that your instrument is installed correctly: select the PXI-2567 module in the system pane, expand the
Troubleshooting area of the configuration pane, and
click Self-test.
Hardware Configuration Utility reports when the hardware setup is validated.
Verifying the Installation in MAX
You can use Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to configure your NI hardware. MAX informs other programs about which NI hardware products are in the system and how they are configured. MAX is automatically installed with NI-SWITCH.
Note MAX is not available on Linux.
- Launch MAX.
In the configuration tree, expand Devices and
Interfaces to see the list of installed NI hardware.
Installed modules appear under the name of their associated chassis.
Expand your Chassis tree item.
MAX lists all modules installed in the chassis. Your default names may vary.Note If you do not see your module listed, press <F5> to refresh the list of installed modules. If the module is still not listed, power off the system, ensure the module is correctly installed, and restart.
- Record the name MAX assigns to the hardware. Use this identifier when programming the PXI-2567.
Self-test the hardware by selecting the item in the configuration tree
and clicking Self-Test in the MAX toolbar.
MAX self-test performs a basic verification of hardware resources.
What Should I Do if the PXI-2567 Doesn't Appear in Hardware
Configuration Utility or MAX?
Check if the connection between the hardware and software needs to be refreshed.
Software Description Hardware Configuration Utility Click the refresh button ( ).
MAX - In the MAX configuration tree, expand Devices and Interfaces.
- Expand the Chassis tree to see the list of installed hardware and press F5 to refresh the list.
- If the PXI-2567 is still not listed, power off the system, ensure that all hardware is correctly installed, and restart the system.
- Navigate to the Device Manager by right-clicking the Start button and selecting Device Manager.
Depending on your controller type, verify Device Manager settings.
If error conditions persist, reinstall NI-SWITCH.
Controller Type Description PXI controller - Verify that a National Instruments entry appears in the system device list
- If error conditions appear in the list, right-click the module you are using in the Device Manager and select Update Driver.
MXI controller Right-click PCI-to-PCI Bridge and select Properties from the shortcut menu to verify that the bridge is enabled and that no error conditions appear. - Restart your computer.
What Should I Do if the PXI-2567 Fails the Self-Test?
- Reset the PXI-2567 through Hardware Configuration Utility or MAX and then perform the self-test again.
- Restart the system, and then perform the self-test again.
- Power off the chassis.
- Reinstall the failed module in a different slot.
- Power on the chassis.
Perform the self-test again.
Note If the module fails the self-test again, contact NI or visit for further troubleshooting information.