PXI-2567 Overview

The PXI-2567 is a 64-channel external relay driver that works with internal or external power sources. Use the PXI-2567 for applications that need custom switching topologies or switching as close to the device under test (DUT) as possible.

Key Features

The PXI-2567 has the following features and capabilities.

  • Sources up to 50 V and 600 mA of drive capacity per channel when connected to an external power supply.
  • Drives small DC motors or other inductive relay coils.
  • Provides overcurrent, overvoltage, and flyback protection to ensure long-life operation.
  • Provides a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) option for controlling individual relays, regardless of relay types or configuration, while using the standard IVI-compliant NI-SWITCH driver software.
  • Offers hardware triggering and scanning to improve throughput.

Driver Support

NI recommends that you use the newest version of the driver for your module.

Table 1. Earliest Driver Version Support
Module Driver Name Earliest Version Support
PXI-2567 NI-SWITCH 2.5.0