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int RTControllerQuery (char target[], RTControllerInfo *targetInformation);


Retrieves information about the real-time target.

Note Note  This function is deprecated. Use the GetRTSystemInfo function in the Real-Time Utility Library instead. The Real-Time Utility Library is available when you install the LabWindows/CVI Real-Time Module.


Name Type Description
target char [] The name of the real-time target.

The name can either be an alphabetical string, such as, or a numerical string, such as 123.456.7.8.
Name Type Description
targetInformation RTControllerInfo Information about the real-time target.

typedef struct {

unsigned long serialNumber;

char ipAddress[16]; /* format: */

char status[32]; /* running/install mode/etc. */

char modelDescription[32];

char hostName[32];

char macAddress[6]; /* returned as hex data */

} RTControllerInfo;

Return Value

Name Type Description
result int Return value indicating whether the function was successful.

Code Description
0 Success.
kRTTargetIsInInstallMode The real-time target is installing software.
kRTTargetIsLocked The real-time target is locked.
kRTTargetOtherError The real-time target could not be rebooted.

The function can also return error codes from the TCP/IP Library.

Additional Information

Library: Utility Library

Include file: utility.h

LabWindows/CVI compatibility: LabWindows/CVI 8.1 and later

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