
Content Type
Programming Language
Current manual

External Modules Class Help


This class of functions is obsolete. National Instruments recommends that you use the Windows SDK LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to load external modules instead. These functions allow you to load Windows DLLs, but not compiled object modules or libraries.

External Modules Class Help

This class contains functions that load, execute functions in, and unload compiled C object modules, libraries, or Microsoft Windows DLLs.

Note Note  The functions in this class are not supported for 64-bit applications.

These functions can be useful in cases in which you have a large number of modules that are executed one at a time and that you do not want to include in the project because of memory constraints.

You also can use these functions to obtain pointers to global functions and global variables in C modules in the project. This can be used to implement a "call by name" scheme in which the functions that your program calls are not determined until run time.

Library: Utility Library

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