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Product DocumentationLabWindows/CVIGPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library OverviewCurrent page
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GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library Overview

GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library Overview

This section describes the LabWindows/CVI GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library and contains general information about the GPIB DLL and guidelines and restrictions you should know when using the GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library. To access information about each function, refer to the function panel help. If you have installed the NI-488.2 component, available on the NI Device Drivers media, you can access the NI-488.2 Help by selecting Library Reference»GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library»NI-488.2 Help in the Contents tab.

Note Note  You must install the NI-488.2 component, available on the NI Device Drivers media, to use the functions in the GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library.

LabWindows/CVI uses the National Instruments standard GPIB DLL. This driver is packaged with the GPIB interface, available on the NI Device Drivers media, and is not included with LabWindows/CVI. LabWindows/CVI does not require any special procedures for installing and using the device driver. Follow the directions outlined in the interface documentation.

Note   ResetDevs is not available in LabWindows/CVI. This function was available in a previous LabWindows version.

Related Topics

Guidelines and Restrictions for Using the GPIB Libraries

Automatic Serial Polling

Hardware Interrupts and Autopolling

Notification of SRQ and Other GPIB Events

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