LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit API Reference

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OPC UA Server VIs

OPC UA Server VIs

Owning Palette: OPC UA VIs

Requires: OPC UA Toolkit. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the OPC UA Server VIs to create a customized OPC UA server application.


Palette ObjectDescription
Add Analog ItemAdds an analog item to the address space and configures the analog item.
Add FolderCreates a folder under the parent folder in the address space.
Add ItemAdds an item as a child to a folder you specify.
Add PropertyAdds a property to an item.
Add Trusted ClientsAdds trusted OPC UA client certificates to an OPC UA server.
Clear All Trusted ClientsClears the OPC UA client certificates that an OPC UA server trusts.
CloseCloses and destroys an OPC UA server. After you close an OPC UA server, you lose all the data that belongs to the OPC UA server.
CreateCreates and initializes an OPC UA server.
Delete NodeDeletes a node, such as a folder, item, notifier, or condition. When you delete a folder, an item, or a notifier, you delete all the child nodes.
ReadReads the value, timestamp, and status of a node. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use.
Register ServerRegisters an OPC UA server with the UA Local Discovery Server (LDS). This VI routinely registers the OPC UA server based on register rate.
StartStarts an OPC UA server. After you start an OPC UA server, you cannot add or delete folders, items, notifiers, or conditions until the OPC UA server stops. Use the Stop VI to stop an OPC UA server.
StopStops an OPC UA server and disconnects all OPC UA clients. When you stop an OPC UA server, you still keep all the folders, items, and properties. Use the Start VI to restart the OPC UA server.
Unregister ServerUnregisters a registered OPC UA server with the UA Local Discovery Server (LDS).
WriteWrites the value and status to a node from an OPC UA server. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. You can write to a node before the OPC UA server starts.

Alarms and Conditions VIsUse the Alarms and Conditions VIs to subscribe to alarms and conditions for OPC UA server applications.
Historical Access VIsUse the Historical Access VIs to access historical data and events for OPC UA server applications.


Refer to the OPC UA Demo.lvproj in the labview\examples\Data Communication\OPCUA directory for an example of using the OPC UA Server VIs.

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