LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit API Reference

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History Event Multiple Read VI

History Event Multiple Read VI

Owning Palette: Historical Access VIs

Requires: OPC UA Toolkit

Reads one or multiple history events.


continuation points in specifies the continuation point and whether the history event has a continuation point.
continuation point specifies the point from which this VI continues to read if the OPC UA server cannot return all values in one response.
has continuation point? specifies whether the history event has a continuation point. The default is TRUE, which specifies that the history event has a continuation point.
OPC UA client refnum in specifies the reference for the OPC UA client.
notifier node IDs specifies the IDs of one or multiple notifier nodes. A notifier is an object that you can subscribe to get events from the associated condition nodes. The format of the node ID is ns=<namespace index>;<identifier type>=<identifier>. A node ID contains the following components:
  • namespace index is a base 10 number that indicates the namespace of the node ID.
    If namespace index is 0, the format of the node ID can be <identifier type>=<identifier>. The namespace index for a node that you created with the OPC UA Toolkit is 2.
  • identifier type represents the type of the identifier and has the following values:

    ValueIdentifier Type
  • identifier is a string value that represents the name of the identifier.

The format of the node ID can also be ns=<namespace index>;<identifier type>=<identifier>@<index>:<index>. For example, ns=2;s=Folder.Array@1:2. This format only applies to the array data type and allows you to read a single element or a range of elements of an array. You cannot use @ in a node name.

For backwards compatibility, notifier node IDs also accepts node paths as input for OPC UA servers only. You can regard the node path as the string type identifier of the node ID. For example, a node path can be Device.folder.item.
request specifies the start and end time to read history events and the maximum number of values to return for all event notifiers.
start time specifies the timestamp at which this VI reads the first history event.
end time specifies the timestamp at which this VI reads the last history event.
num values per node specifies the maximum number of events to return for any event notifier over the time range. The default is 0, which specifies that this VI returns all events over the time range.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
timeout specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that this VI waits to get a response from the OPC UA server. The default is 5000.
OPC UA client refnum out returns the reference for the OPC UA client.
results returns detailed information about the history events, the statuses of the notifier nodes, and the IDs of the notifier nodes.
notifier node ID returns the ID of the notifier.
history events returns detailed information about the history events that this VI reads. condition type affects the validity of the output data in history events.
  • For the dialog condition type, the validity of the output data is shown in the following table:

    condition node IDvalid
    source node ID/input node IDvalid
    event IDvalid
    limit stateinvalid
    acked stateinvalid
    confirmed stateinvalid
  • For the off-normal alarm condition type, the validity of the output data is shown in the following table:

    condition node IDvalid
    source node ID/input node IDvalid
    event IDvalid
    limit stateinvalid
    acked statevalid
    confirmed statevalid
  • For the limit alarm condition type, the validity of the output data is shown in the following table:

    condition node IDvalid
    source node ID/input node IDvalid
    event IDvalid
    limit statevalid
    acked statevalid
    confirmed statevalid
condition node ID returns the ID of the condition node.
condition type returns the type of the condition node.

0Dialog Condition
1Off-Normal Alarm
2Exclusive Level Alarm
3Exclusive Deviation Alarm
4Exclusive Rate of Change Alarm
5Non Exclusive Level Alarm
6Non Exclusive Deviation Alarm
7Non Exclusive Rate of Change Alarm
8Refresh Start Event
9Refresh End Event
source node ID/input node ID returns the ID of the source node or the input node. For nodes of the dialog condition type, source node ID/input node ID returns the ID of the source node. For nodes of the off-normal alarm type and the limit alarm type, source node ID/input node ID returns the ID of the input node. You can use the Add Condition VI to add dialog condition nodes, off-normal alarm nodes, or limit alarm nodes.
event ID returns the event ID.
active returns whether the situation the alarm is representing exists.
time returns the timestamp at which the event occurs.
severity returns a value that indicates the urgency of the event. The value ranges from 1 to 1000, with 1 being the lowest severity and 1000 being the highest severity.
quality returns the status code to display the quality of the values that the condition depends on.
comment returns the string to associate with a certain state of condition.
limit state returns the state of the alarm.
high high state returns whether the condition value exceeds the high high limit.
high state returns whether the condition value exceeds the high limit.
low state returns whether the condition value exceeds the low limit.
low low state returns whether the condition value exceeds the low low limit.
acked state returns whether the condition is acknowledged.
confirmed state returns whether the condition is confirmed.
prompt returns the textual content of a dialog prompt only when the condition type is dialog condition.
status returns the status code.
continuation points out returns the continuation point and whether the history event has a continuation point.
continuation point returns the point from which this VI continues reading if the OPC UA server cannot return all values in one response.
has continuation point? returns whether the history event has a continuation point.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
service status returns the status of an OPC UA service call. OPC UA services contain parameters that are conveyed between an OPC UA client and an OPC UA server.


Refer to the OPC UA Demo.lvproj in the labview\examples\Data Communication\OPCUA directory for an example of using the History Event Multiple Read VI.

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