LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit API Reference

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Current manual

Add Analog Item VI

Add Analog Item VI

Owning Palette: OPC UA Server VIs

Requires: OPC UA Toolkit

Adds an analog item to the address space and configures the analog item.


historical access specifies whether the analog item supports historical access and the size of the history data queue.
enable specifies whether the analog item supports historical access. The default is FALSE, which specifies that the analog item does not support historical access.
queue size specifies the size of the queue of history data. The default is 1000.
OPC UA server refnum in specifies the reference data value of the OPC UA server.
parent folder node ID specifies the ID of the parent folder. The format of the node ID is ns=<namespace index>;<identifier type>=<identifier>. If the parent folder does not exist, this VI creates a folder at the root level. A node ID contains the following components:
  • namespace index is a base 10 number that indicates the namespace of the node ID.
    If namespace index is 0, the format of the node ID can be <identifier type>=<identifier>. The namespace index for a node that you created with the OPC UA Toolkit is 2.
  • identifier type represents the type of the identifier and has the following values:

    ValueIdentifier Type
  • identifier is a string value that represents the name of the identifier.

The format of the node ID can also be ns=<namespace index>;<identifier type>=<identifier>@<index>:<index>. For example, ns=2;s=Folder.Array@1:2. This format only applies to the array data type and allows you to read a single element or a range of elements of an array. You cannot use @ in a node name.

For backwards compatibility, parent folder node ID also accepts node paths as input for OPC UA servers only. You can regard the node path as the string type identifier of the node ID. For example, a node path can be Device.folder.item.
analog item specifies configuration information about the analog item.
name specifies the name of the analog item.
data type specifies the data type of the analog item.

102Array of SByte
103Array of Byte
104Array of Int16
105Array of UInt16
106Array of Int32
107Array of UInt32
108Array of Int64
109Array of UInt64
110Array of Float
111Array of Double
202Matrix of SByte
203Matrix of Byte
204Matrix of Int16
205Matrix of UInt16
206Matrix of Int32
207Matrix of UInt32
208Matrix of Int64
209Matrix of UInt64
210Matrix of Float
211Matrix of Double
access level specifies the access method for the analog item.

instrument range specifies the range of the values that the analog item returns.
low specifies the low limit of the value range that the analog item returns.
high specifies the high limit of the value range that the analog item returns.
EU range specifies the range of the value that you can obtain in normal operation.
low specifies the low limit of the value range that you can obtain in normal operation.
high specifies the high limit of the value range that you can obtain in normal operation.
engineering units specifies the units of the value of the analog item. The default is mutually defined.

Select mutually defined to customize a unit that acquires mutual acknowledgement.

The OPC UA Foundation recommends using the Codes for Units of Measurement. Refer to List of Trade Facilitation Recommendations N° 20 for details.
description specifies additional information of the analog item.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
OPC UA server refnum out returns the reference data value of the OPC UA server.
item node ID returns the ID of the analog item.
OPC UA variable node refnum out returns the reference to the variable node.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the OPC UA Demo.lvproj in the labview\examples\Data Communication\OPCUA directory for an example of using the Add Analog Item VI.

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