LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit API Reference

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Create Subscription VI

Create Subscription VI

Owning Palette: OPC UA Client VIs

Requires: OPC UA Toolkit

Creates a subscription to the nodes of the OPC UA server. When the nodes that the OPC UA client subscribes to incur data changes, the OPC UA server collects the data changes and sends a notification message to the OPC UA client.


OPC UA client refnum in specifies the reference for the OPC UA client.
publishing interval defines the rate, in milliseconds, that the OPC UA server returns data change notifications to the OPC UA client. The default is 1000. publishing interval must be greater than 0.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
timeout specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that this VI waits to get a response from the OPC UA server. The default is 5000.
OPC UA client refnum out returns the reference for the OPC UA client.
subscription ID out returns the reference of the subscription that this VI accessed.
OPC UA data change event returns notifications to the OPC UA client if the client has created a subscription. The notifications contain updates of the data on the OPC UA server.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
service status returns the status of an OPC UA service call. OPC UA services contain parameters that are conveyed between an OPC UA client and an OPC UA server.


Refer to the OPC UA Demo.lvproj in the labview\examples\Data Communication\OPCUA directory for an example of using the Create Subscription VI.

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