LabVIEW Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit API Reference

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Motor Speed and Rotor Position VI

Motor Speed and Rotor Position VI

Owning Palette: Measurement VIs

Requires: Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit

Calculates the motor speed and mechanical rotor position at the next time step. A time step is the interval between the time at which the electric motor evaluates the running speed and updates the rotor position.

Details  Examples

dt specifies the time step, in seconds, between speed in and speed out, or between rotor position in and rotor position out. The value of dt must be greater than 0.
speed in specifies the current speed, in revolutions per minute, of the electric motor.
rotor position in specifies the current position, in degrees, of the motor rotor.
electromagnetic torque specifies the current electromagnetic torque, in newton meters, that the electric motor generates inside the motor while the motor is running.
load torque specifies the current load torque, in newton meters, that you externally apply to the motor.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
mechanical parameters specifies the mechanical parameters of the electric motor. The mechanical parameters impact the forces and movement of the motor.
inertia specifies the moment of inertia, in kgm^2, of the electric motor. The value of inertia must be equal to or greater than 0.
friction coefficient specifies the friction coefficient of the electric motor. The value of friction coefficient must be equal to or greater than 0.
speed out returns the speed of the motor at the next time step.
rotor position out returns the position of the rotor at the next time step.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

Motor Speed and Rotor Position Details

This VI calculates the motor speed and rotor position at the next time step using the following equations:

where J is the moment of inertia of the motor
B is the friction coefficient of the motor
Te is the electromagnetic torque
Tl is the load torque
ωin is speed in
ωout is speed out
θin is rotor position in
θout is rotor position out


Refer to the following VIs for examples of using the Motor Speed and Rotor Position VI:

  • PMSM Constant Parameter Model Closed Loop VI: labview\examples\Electric Motor Simulation\PMSM\PMSM Constant Parameter Model Closed Loop
  • PMSM FEA Model Closed Loop VI: labview\examples\Electric Motor Simulation\PMSM\PMSM FEA Model Closed Loop
  • SRM Linear Model Closed Loop Control VI: labview\examples\Electric Motor Simulation\SRM\SRM Linear Model Closed Loop Control
  • SRM FEA Model Closed Loop Control VI: labview\examples\Electric Motor Simulation\SRM\SRM FEA Model Closed Loop Control
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