LabVIEW Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit API Reference

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Programming Language
Current manual

Transforms VIs

Transforms VIs

Owning Palette: Electric Motor Simulation VIs

Requires: Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Transforms VIs to perform the Clarke transform and the inverse Clarke transform. You can also use the Transforms VIs to transform three-phase currents or voltages to direct and quad currents or voltages.

Palette ObjectDescription
ABC to DQ TransformTransforms the three-phase current or voltage to direct and quad currents or voltages.
Clarke TransformTransforms the three-phase current or voltage to alpha and beta currents or voltages.
DQ to ABC TransformTransforms the direct and quad currents or voltages to three-phase current or voltage.
Inverse Clarke TransformTransforms the alpha and beta currents or voltages to three-phase current or voltage.
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