LabVIEW Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit API Reference

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Current manual

Clarke Transform VI

Clarke Transform VI

Owning Palette: Transforms VIs

Requires: Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit

Transforms the three-phase current or voltage to alpha and beta currents or voltages.

The three-phase current or voltage is the AC current or voltage of a three-phase circuit, while the alpha, beta currents or voltages are currents or voltages in the (α,β) orthogonal coordinate system.


a specifies the a current or voltage, in amperes or volts, of the three-phase current or voltage.
b specifies the b current or voltage, in amperes or volts, of the three-phase current or voltage.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
alpha returns the alpha current or voltage, in amperes or volts, from the Clarke transform.
beta returns the beta current or voltage, in amperes or volts, from the Clarke transform.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

Clarke Transform Details

The equations for transforming the current and the voltage are similar. This section takes the current equations for an example.

This VI assumes that Ia+Ib+Ic=0, where Ia is the value of the a current, Ib is the value of the b current, and Ic is the value of the c current of the three-phase current.

The following equations convert three-phase current to alpha and beta current:

where Iα is the alpha current
Iβ is the beta current
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