LabVIEW Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit API Reference

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Temperature Correction (Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit)

Temperature Correction (Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit)

Temperature correction is a functionality that simulates the changes of resistance, magnet flux, or torque in an electric motor according to temperature variations. In a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), when the magnet temperature and the coil temperature change, the resistance and the magnet flux change accordingly. Magnet temperature variations also affect the electromagnetic torque. In an AC induction motor (ACIM), when the rotor temperature and the stator temperature change, the rotor resistance and the stator resistance change accordingly. The Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit provides the temperature correction functionality for ACIM simulation with the constant parameter model and PMSM simulation with the FEA and the variable parameter models.

To perform the temperature correction functionality, you must obtain motor parameters for temperature correction. By using the Electric Motor Simulation VIs, you can either manually specify the temperature correction parameters, or obtain the temperature correction parameters from an RTT file.

The following equation calculates the PMSM coil resistance, the ACIM stator resistance, and the ACIM rotor resistance after temperature correction:

where R' is the resistance after temperature correction
R is the resistance under the base temperature before temperature correction
k is the temperature correction coefficient
T is the real-time temperature
Tbase is the base temperature

The following equation calculates the PMSM magnet flux after temperature correction:

where F' is the magnet flux after temperature correction
F is the magnet flux under the magnet base temperature before temperature correction
km is the magnet temperature correction coefficient
Tm is the real-time magnet temperature
Tm-base is the magnet base temperature

Related Information

Constant Parameter Model

Variable Parameter Model

FEA Model

RTT File

Electric Motor Simulation VIs

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