LabVIEW Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit API Reference

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Constant Parameter Model (Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit)

Constant Parameter Model (Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit)

Use the constant parameter model function to simulate an AC induction motor (ACIM) or a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM).

Constant Parameter Model for ACIM Simulation

The constant parameter model simulates the electromagnetic behavior of an ACIM by using the (α,β) orthogonal coordinate system.

In an (α,β) orthogonal coordinate system, the α axis usually coincides with the direction of the A current of the three-phase current in the stator. The β axis is the axis at an angle of 90 degrees from the α axis.

The following figure illustrates the relationship between the (α,β) orthogonal coordinate system and the three-phase current.

Because of the three-phase current in the stator windings, the magnetizing currents of the stator produce a magnetic field. The magnetic field generates a current in the rotor. The voltage equations for ACIM simulation with the constant parameter model are as follows.

where V is the stator voltage along the α axis
V is the stator voltage along the β axis
Rs is the stator resistance
I is the stator current along the α axis
I is the stator current along the β axis
λ is the stator flux linkage along the α axis
λ is the stator flux linkage along the β axis
V is the rotor voltage along the α axis
V is the rotor voltage along the β axis
Rr is the rotor resistance
I is the rotor current along the α axis
I is the rotor current along the β axis
λ is the rotor flux linkage along the α axis
λ is the rotor flux linkage along the β axis
ωr is the electrical speed, in rad/s, which equals to rotor speed times the number of pole pairs

The flux linkage equations are as follows.

where Lls is the stator leakage inductance
Llr is the rotor leakage inductance
Lm is the magnetizing inductance

The voltage equations calculate the derivatives of stator flux linkage and rotor flux linkage.

where k and k-1 are the simulation steps. For example, λ(k) is the stator flux linkage along the α axis at the k step, while λ(k-1) is the stator flux linkage along the α axis at the k-1 step.

The flux linkage equations calculate the current by defining λ, λ, and LM.

The following equations can be derived to obtain the current in the (α,β) orthogonal coordinate system.

The constant parameter model calculates the electric torque of an ACIM by using the following equation.

where p is the number of poles.

Constant Parameter Model for PMSM Simulation

The constant parameter model simulates the electromagnetic behavior of a PMSM by using the d-q axes mathematical method.

The d-q axes are the axes in a (d,q) coordinate system. The d axis, or the direct axis, usually coincides with the axis of the rotor magnet pole. The q axis, or the quad axis, is the axis at an angle of 90 degrees from the d axis. When the rotor is stationary, the (d,q) coordinate system is a stationary reference frame. When the rotor starts rotating, the system is a rotor reference frame where the (d,q) coordinate system rotates at the rotor speed.

The following figure illustrates a (d,q) coordinate system.

While the rotor is rotating, electromagnetic current is generated inside the electric motor. The voltage equations of the (d,q) rotor reference frame are as follows.

The flux linkage equations are as follows.



where ωr is electrical speed, in rad/s, which equals to rotor speed times the number of pole pairs
Id is the current along the d axis
Iq is the current along the q axis
λd is the flux linkage along the d axis
λq is the flux linkage along the q axis
λf is the flux linkage in the rotor magnet
Ld is the inductance along the d axis
Lq is the inductance along the q axis

The following equation calculates the electric torque of the (d,q) rotor reference frame.

where p is the number of poles.

The following discrete equations calculate the current for PMSM simulation with the constant parameter model.

where k and k-1 are the simulation steps. For example, Id(k) is the current along the d axis at the k step, while Id(k-1) is the current along the d axis at the k-1 step.

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