LabVIEW Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit API Reference

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Three-Phase Inverter (Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit)

Three-Phase Inverter (Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit)

An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). A three-phase inverter is a commonly-used inverter for powering a variable-speed motor like the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The three-phase inverter consists of three single-phase branches which connect to three load terminals. Each single-phase branch contains two power switches. The following figure illustrates the circuit diagram of a three-phase inverter. In this circuit, the three resistances represent the load. In real applications, the load can be an electric motor.

The following symbols apply to the circuit diagram:

  • Sau is the phase A upper switch.
  • Sal is the phase A lower switch.
  • Sbu is the phase B upper switch.
  • Sbl is the phase B lower switch.
  • Scu is the phase C upper switch.
  • Scl is the phase C lower switch.
  • Vab, Vbc, and Vca are the line-to-line voltages.
  • Va, Vb, and Vc are the phase voltages.

The Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit allows you to simulate an ideal three-phase inverter or an advanced three-phase inverter. In the ideal three-phase inverter model, the switches are simple on-off switches. When the switch is on, no voltage drop happens on the switch. When the switch is off, no current flows through the switch. In the advanced three-phase inverter model, the switches are insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) with diodes. The advanced three-phase inverter model simulates the transient behavior of the inverter. By using the advanced three-phase inverter model, you can specify the forward voltage drops of the switches and insert fault to the inverter at run time.

Ideal Three-Phase Inverter Model

The ideal three-phase inverter model assumes that the switch state changes between on and off instantaneously. The two switches in the same single-phase branch are complementary. The following table lists the phase voltages and line-to-line voltages of the ideal three-phase inverter model. VDC is the DC voltage that connects to the inverter. In the Switch State column, 1 indicates that the switch is on, while 0 indicates that the switch is off.

Switch State Phase Voltage (V) Line-to-Line Voltage (V)
Sau Sbu Scu Va Vb Vc Vab Vbc Vca
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 2VDC/3 -VDC/3 -VDC/3 VDC 0 -VDC
1 1 0 VDC/3 VDC/3 -2VDC/3 0 VDC -VDC
0 1 0 -VDC/3 2VDC/3 -VDC/3 -VDC VDC 0
0 1 1 -2VDC/3 VDC/3 VDC/3 -VDC 0 VDC
0 0 1 -VDC/3 -VDC/3 2VDC/3 0 -VDC VDC
1 0 1 VDC/3 -2VDC/3 VDC/3 VDC -VDC 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit only calculates the phase voltages. The following equations demonstrate the relationship between the line-to-line voltages and the phase voltages.

Advanced Three-Phase Inverter Model

The advanced three-phase inverter model regards the IGBT-with-diode switch as a small inductance (L) when the switch is on. When the switch is off, the model regards the switch as a small capacitance (C). A conductance (G) in parallel with a dependent current source (J) represents a switch. The following figure illustrates how the advanced three-phase inverter model simulates the switch.

The advanced three-phase inverter model regards the conductance as a constant to simplify the calculation process. The following equations show the relationship between the conductance and the simulation time interval (dt).

The following equation determines the current source. The subscript k and k-1 denote the simulation steps.

where Ik-1 is the current on the switch at the k-1 step
Vk-1 is the voltage on the switch at the k-1 step
sk=1 denotes that the switch is on at the k step
sk=0 denotes that the switch is off at the k step

The following equation determines the state of the IGBT-with-diode switch.

where denotes the complement of s. g is the gate signal for the switch. g=1 denotes that the gate signal commands the switch to be on, while g=0 denotes that the gate signal commands the switch to be off.

Inserting Fault to the Inverter

The advanced three-phase inverter model allows you to simulate the behavior of an inverter when the switch has faults. The model provides four types of faults and only supports one fault at a time. The four fault types are as follows.

  • IGBT open fault—This fault occurs if any IGBT is interrupted. No current flows through the IGBT with fault. It is equivalent to replacing the switch with a diode.
  • Diode open fault—This fault occurs if any diode is interrupted. No current flows through the diode with fault. It is equivalent to replacing the switch with an IGBT.
  • IGBT and diode open fault—This fault occurs if any IGBT-with-diode switch is interrupted. No current flows through the IGBT-with-diode switch with fault. It is equivalent to removing the switch from the circuit.
  • IGBT or diode short fault—This fault occurs if any IGBT or diode is bypassed. It is equivalent to replacing the switch with a wire. In this case, the protection circuit turns off the other switch in the same single-phase branch as the switch with fault. As a result, short circuit does not happen to the voltage source.
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