GPIB Status Function

Shows the present status of the GPIB Controller indicated by address string. Error I/O operates uniquely in this function. The function gets the status of the GPIB Controller regardless of whether an error occurred in a preceding operation.



  • cstr.png address string

    address string contains the address of the GPIB device with which the function communicates.

    You can input both the primary and secondary addresses in address string by using the form primary+secondary. Both primary and secondary are decimal values, so if primary is 2 and secondary is 3, address string is 2+3.

    If you do not specify an address, the functions do not perform addressing before they attempt to read and write the string. They assume you have either sent these commands another way or that another controller is in charge and therefore responsible for the addressing. If the controller is supposed to address the device but does not do so before the time limit expires, the functions terminate with GPIB error 6 (timeout) and set bit 14 in status. If the GPIB is not the Controller-In-Charge, do not specify address string.

    When there are multiple GPIB controllers that LabVIEW can use, a prefix to address string in the form ID:address (or ID: if no address is necessary) determines the controller that a specific function uses. For example, to set GPIB controller 2 to talk to a device on address 3, use the prefix 2:3. If a controller ID is not present, the function defaults to controller (or bus) number 0.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. With the following exception, this input provides standard error in functionality.

    This node runs normally even if an error occurred before this node runs.

  • i1dbool.png status

    status is a Boolean array in which each bit describes a state of the GPIB Controller.

    If an error occurs, the function sets bit 15. GPIB error is valid only if bit 15 of status is set.

    The following table shows the numeric value and symbolic status of each bit in status. This table also includes a description of each bit.

    Status BitNumeric ValueSymbolic StatusDescription
    01DCASDevice Clear state
    12DTASDevice Trigger State
    24LACSListener Active
    38TACSTalker Active
    416ATNAttention Asserted
    664REMRemote State
    7128LOKLockout State
    8256CMPLOperation Completed
    124096SRQISRQ Detected while CIC
    138192ENDEOI or EOS Detected
    15-32768ERRError Detected
  • ii16.png GPIB error

    GPIB error contains the most recent error code reported by any of the GPIB functions. Refer to GPIB Error Codes for possible values for GPIB error if bit 15 of status is set.

  • ii32.png byte count

    byte count is the number of bytes the previous GPIB operation sent.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.