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DIAdem Settings: External Editor

DIAdem Settings: External Editor

Use this dialog box to specify which external editor DIAdem uses to open text files.


  Texteditor Specifies the external editor that DIAdem uses to open text files.
Browse Opens the dialog box where you specify the filename and path of the external text editor.
  Python IDE Specifies the external development environment (Integrated Development Environment: IDE) for Python files. If you specify a path, you can load Python files from DIAdem SCRIPT into the specified IDE.
Browse Opens the dialog box where you specify the filename and path for the integrated Python development environment.
Note  To open this dialog box, select Settings»DIAdem Settings»External Editor.

Further Settings

General | Path Selection | Path Selection with Path Synchronization | Path Selection - Library Paths | Path Selection with Path Synchronization - Library Paths | Channel Properties | External Editor | Logfile | Data Area | Colors | Compatibility | Preview Features


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