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DIAdem Settings: SCRIPT

DIAdem Settings: SCRIPT

Use this dialog box to specify panel-specific settings for DIAdem SCRIPT.


SCRIPT workspace
  Default file Specifies the workspace that DIAdem loads after the program starts.
Browse Opens the dialog box where you select a script workspace.
Script language
  VBS Script/Python Specifies the script language that DIAdem uses by default in DIAdem SCRIPT. DIAdem uses the selected script language when you capture scripts and when you create a new script.
Python installation
  Path Defines the path to an alternative Python installation. If you do not want to use the Python installation that comes with DIAdem, specify the path to a Python version supported by DIAdem.
If you do not specify a path or the path does not contain a Python version supported by DIAdem, DIAdem also looks for a valid Python installation in the paths of the Windows Path system variable. If DIAdem cannot find a valid Python installation, DIAdem uses the Python version of the DIAdem installation. DIAdem installs the base package of Python 3.7 (64-bit) DIAdem also supports Python version 3.6 (64-bit). For more information, refer to Notes on Python.
Browse Opens the dialog box in which you select the program path of the installed Python version.
Other settings
  Refresh Data Portal while a script is running Specifies whether DIAdem refreshes the channel contents, the channel properties, or the Channel preview in the Data Portal or in DIAdem VIEW, while a script is running. If you disable the channel preview in the Data Portal or disable the refresh mode completely, you increase the processing speed. Use the UIAutoRefreshSet command to enable or disable the refresh while a script is running. When scripts run in user dialog boxes, DIAdem always refreshes the Data Portal. Use the UIAutoRefreshSet command to disable the refresh function in user dialog boxes.
  Properties Opens the dialog box where you set the properties of the script editor.
Note This setting is only available with the DIAdem Advanced and DIAdem Professional packages.
Note  To use the settings again the next time you start DIAdem, you must save the changes in the Desktop file.
Note  To open this dialog box, select Settings»DIAdem Settings»SCRIPT.

Further Settings

General | Path Selection | Path Selection with Path Synchronization | Path Selection - Library Paths | Path Selection with Path Synchronization - Library Paths | Channel Properties | External Editor | Logfile | Data Area | Colors | Compatibility | Preview Features


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