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Template for Custom Properties

Template for Custom Properties

Use this the dialog box to define a template for custom properties for the data set, channel groups, and channels. As soon as you load new data to the Data Portal or create new channel groups or channels, DIAdem adds the associated custom properties from the template. If you create a new template for custom properties or modify existing custom properties from a template, the internal data store in the Data Portal is not affected.


New Entry Adds a new row to the overview where you can enter the name, the data type, and the first value for a new custom property. The tilde character is a separator which groups the custom properties in the Properties Display of the Data Portal. DIAdem combines custom properties containing the same text before the tilde character.
Delete Entry Deletes the selected custom property from the template.
  Data Set/Group/Channel Specifies whether you generate custom properties for the data set, the channel groups, or the channels.
  Property Specifies the name of the custom property.
  Data Type Specifies the data type of the custom property.
  Initial Value Specifies the first value of the custom property.
Note  To open this dialog box, select Settings»DIAdem Settings»General»Edit. First select the checkbox Template for custom properties. You save and load a template for custom properties in the General DIAdem Settings.
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