Product Security

Security starts with the process we use to develop NI products, and the features and support those products provide.

Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL)

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NI engineers follow a rigorous development process to ensure products meet NI’s high quality and security standards. These processes are constantly improved based on customer feedback. All teams are required to comply with these processes.

These processes reflect new guidance from the U.S. government in NIST 800-218, Secure Software Development Framework, and available resources such as the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

Product Security Announcements

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Customers, researchers, and NI engineers can report security issues. These reports are analyzed for impact and exploitability. Based on this analysis, action plans are created to respond to the reported issue.

For significant issues, NI announces the issue and the fix through security announcements. You can subscribe to these announcements. Software updates are primarily available through the NI Update Service and are also available for download.

Letters of Volatility

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Letters of volatility (LOVs) are an important piece of documentation to protect information on a system when it is repurposed, repaired, or discarded.

Software Statements

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Find general software statements such FOSS statements here to help you provide documentation for your system.

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