TestStand Product Security


​​TestStand boosts test team productivity by providing the executive functions of a test application. As the importance of security increases, so does the importance of test software.


The security of TestStand depends on the configuration of the TestStand environment; the configuration of the TestStand model; and the secure development of the code in each test step.

  • As part of our Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL), NI generates SBOMs for TestStand Software. Contact NI for more information at security@ni.com.
  • Secure Configuration Guide – In Development
  • TestStand Runtime Engine Compliance to NIST 800-171 - In Development

Many test applications require qualification to standards including DO-178, DO-254, DO-330, ISO 26262, IEC 62304, or 21 CFR 820. Manually checking your test code against these standards is a tedious process. Genuen’s TestStand TQK (Tool Qualification Kit) provides automated compliance testing to these and other standards. For more information, visit https://www.genuen.com/products/tool-qualification-solutions/ni-teststand.

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