Software Statements


Modern software development is a global collaborative effort. Companies use open source and third-party software to rapidly advance software technologies. Responsible companies must track and document the software being used.


Like most modern software providers, NI software engineers leverage available third-party and open source software. NI software processes enforce responsible use of these components, ensuring that license obligations are fulfilled without putting customer systems at risk.

A software bill of materials (SBOM) is used to document the software used in any system. As part of the NI Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL), NI closely monitors and tracks which third-party components are used in its software. NI’s build processes produce a SBOM, which documents the software components used to build the product. The SBOMs are then analyzed using software composition analysis tools for vulnerabilities and license compliance. If you are interested in learning more about the process NI uses to produce software SBOMs, contact

All NI software installs license agreements into a single directory on the target computer located at <drive>:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\_Legal Information.

If your company needs a statement from NI outlining Free (Libre) Open Source Software (FOSS or FLOSS) license usage, contact to get a FOSS statement.

NI software requires certain ports to be open to provide access for all the networking features of the software. For a full list of these ports and how they are used, refer to Configuring Software and Hardware Firewalls to Support NI Products.


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