

PropertyObject.DeleteNthSubProperty( lookupString, index, options)


Deletes the subproperty at the specified index.


Use the PropOption_DeleteIfExists option to prevent TestStand from returning errors if the specified property does not exist prior to calling this function. To delete a specific element from a one-dimensional array, use the PropertyObject.DeleteElements method.

Note TestStand does not support adding a new subproperty to an instance of a type unless you add the subproperty below a container you have marked as unstructured in the type definition by using the PropFlags_UnstructuredProperty flag. TestStand does not report any errors and creates the property, but does not save the property. When resolving type conflicts and updating type instances, TestStand automatically removes the property.


lookupString As String

[In] Pass an empty string to denote the PropertyObject to which the method applies, or pass the name of a subproperty within the PropertyObject. You can also pass lookup strings to this parameter.

index As Long

[In] Specifies the zero-based index of the subproperty. Pass -1 to delete all subproperties. If you pass -1 , subproperties that cannot be deleted do not generate an error.

options As Long

[In] Pass 0 to specify the default behavior, or pass one or more PropertyOptions constants. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify multiple options.

See Also

Lookup Strings

Managing Type Revisions







Thread Safety of the PropertyObject API and TestStand Variables