Data Types for TestStand

Type OLE Automation Type Description
Boolean VARIANT_BOOL Has the value True ( -1 ) or False ( 0 ).
Byte Array SAFEARRAY(unsigned char) An array of bytes.
Color OLE_COLOR A color. Many containers treat colors as 32-bit integers.
Date DATE DATE is a variant time that is stored as an 8-byte real value (double) and represents a date between January 1, 100 and December 31, 9999, inclusive. The value 0 represents December 30, 1899. Adding 1 to the value increments the date by a day. The fractional part of the value represents the time of day. Negative numbers represent the dates before December 30, 1899. LabWindows/CVI users can use the VariantTimeToSystemTime Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) function to convert the variant date to a system time value and then use the GetDateFormat and GetTimeFormat Windows SDK functions to generate display strings. LabVIEW automatically converts the DATE data type to a timestamp.
Double double 64-bit floating point number.
Float float 32-bit floating point number.
Font IFontDisp An Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Automation Interface to a font .
Integer short 16-bit signed integer.
IUnknown IUnknown A generic OLE interface.
long OLE_YPOS_PIXELS Position on the Y-axis in pixels.
Long Long 32-bit signed integer.
long OLE_XPOS_PIXELS Position on the X-axis in pixels.
Long LCID A locale identifier.
Long Array SAFEARRAY(long) An array of longs.
long long LONGLONG 64-bit signed integer.
Object IDispatch A generic OLE Automation interface.
Object Array SAFEARRAY An array of objects.
Picture IPicture An OLE Automation Interface to a Picture object or image.
Picture IPictureDisp An OLE Automation Interface to a Picture object or image.
String BSTR A string.
String Array SAFEARRAY(BSTR) An array of strings.
unsigned long long ULONGLONG 64-bit unsigned integer.
Variant VARIANT A variant.
VARTYPE VARTYPE An enumeration type used to describe a data type of a VARIANT or safearray value. Refer to VARTYPE for more information about VARTYPE enumeration values.