- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Engine.CallFrontEndCallbackEx( sequenceNameParam, argumentList, handlerType = ConflictHandler_Error, reservedParam = 0)
Return Value
The Execution object of the newly created execution.
Calls the Front-End callback sequence the sequenceNameParam parameter specifies.
Front-End callbacks, which are callbacks the TestStand Sequence Editor or a TestStand User Interface call, allow you to customize the sequence editors and user interfaces on the system. Each sequence editor or user interface chooses which Front-End callbacks it calls. The FrontEndCallbacks.seq file in the <TestStand> \Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd directory contains the Front-End callbacks National Instruments defines. Currently, National Instruments defines only the LoginLogout Front-End callback. You can override the National Instruments version of LoginLogout or add custom Front-End callbacks in the FrontEndCallbacks.seq file, which is located in the <TestStand Public>\Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd directory.
sequenceNameParam As String
[In] Specifies the name of the Front-End callback sequence to call.
argumentList As PropertyObject
[In] Specifies a PropertyObject that contains the parameters to pass to the sequence. Each subproperty of the PropertyObject represents a parameter to the sequence. The subproperties must appear in the same order as the sequence parameters.
handlerType As TypeConflictHandlerTypes
[In] Specifies how to handle type conflicts .
This parameter has a default value of ConflictHandler_Error .
reservedParam As Long
This parameter has a default value of 0 .