Testing Your Controller in MAX

Complete the following steps to run a test panel in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to confirm that your sbRIO-96xx is communicating with your system.

Note MAX test panels are only available for systems running NI-DAQmx driver software with supported sbRIO modules installed and deployed in the Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) programming mode.
  1. Launch MAX.
  2. Locate and select your sbRIO-96xx system in the My System tree.
    • If your controller and the software are functioning correctly, the System Settings for your module will show a status of Connected - Running.
    • If your sbRIO-96xx is present but the status is Connected – Safe Mode (No Software Installed), complete the procedure to install software on the sbRIO-96xx in Installing Software on the Controller.
  3. Connect the sbRIO controller as indicated in the Hardware Installation Manual.
  4. Right-click any sbRIO I/O module and select Test Panels, or select Test Panels from the main configuration window options.
    Note If the sbRIO I/O module you select is not deployed in Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) mode, you will be prompted to switch modes to view the test panel.
  5. Configure the measurement settings and click Start.