Setting a System Password

  1. In MAX, click the Log In button on the toolbar.
  2. Enter admin in the User name field.
  3. Leave the Password field blank.
    Note There is no default password for the sbRIO-96xx, so you must leave the password field blank when logging in until you set a system password.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the Set Permissions button in the toolbar.
    The NI Web-Based Configuration and Monitoring utility opens in your default browser and is where you set the password. If you have not installed Microsoft Silverlight, NI Web-based Configuration & Monitoring prompts you to do so.
  6. Click the Login button and enter admin in the User name field.
  7. Leave the Password field blank if you have not changed the default password, or enter the current password.
  8. Double-click admin in the list of users under the Users tab.
  9. Click Change Password.
  10. Enter and re-enter a new password.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click OK to confirm you are changing the password.
    Notice NI cannot recover lost system passwords. If you forget the password, you must contact NI and reformat the controller.
  14. Close the NI Web-Based Configuration and Monitoring utility.