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Product DocumentationRFmx NR DotNETRFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCalibrationMode EnumerationCurrent page
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RFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCalibrationMode Enumeration

RFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCalibrationMode Enumeration

RFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCalibrationMode Enumeration

Specifies whether the noise calibration and measurement is performed manually by the user or automatically by RFmx. Refer to the measurement guidelines section in the Noise Compensation Algorithm topic for more information.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.RFmx.NRMX
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.RFmx.NRMX.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.RFmx.NRMX.Fx40.dll) Version: (


public enum RFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCalibrationMode
Public Enumeration RFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCalibrationMode


  Member nameValueDescription
Manual0 When you set the SetMeasurementMode(String, RFmxNRMXAcpMeasurementMode) method to Noise Calibrate, you can initiate instrument noise calibration for ACP manually. When you set the ACP Meas Mode method to Measure, you can initiate the ACP measurement manually.
Auto1 When you set the SetNoiseCompensationEnabled(String, RFmxNRMXAcpNoiseCompensationEnabled) method to True, RFmx sets Input Isolation Enabled method to Enabled and calibrates the instrument noise in the current state of the instrument. Next, RFmx resets the Input Isolation Enabled method and performs the ACP measurement, including compensation for the noise contribution of the instrument. RFmx skips noise calibration in this mode if valid noise calibration data is already cached.When you set the ACP Noise Comp Enabled method to False, RFmx does not calibrate instrument noise and performs the ACP measurement without compensating for the noise contribution of the instrument.

See Also

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