Configuring the PXIe-5831 in Hardware Configuration Utility

NI recommends using Hardware Configuration Utility to perform initial hardware configuration.

  1. Launch Hardware Configuration Utility.
    The individual modules of your PXIe-5831 instrument should appear in the system pane automatically.
    If the individual modules do not appear automatically, do the following:
    1. Click the + button or, in the menu, select Edit » Add hardware....
    2. Find the modules of your instrument in the Discovered pane and click Add.
  2. Record the name Hardware Configuration Utility assigns to the PXIe-3622.
    Use this name when programming the PXIe-5831.
  3. Associate the hardware modules that compose your instrument.
    1. In the system pane, select the PXIe-3622.
    2. In the Hardware associations section of the configuration pane:
      • click the Baseband field and choose the PXIe-5820.
      • click the LO field and choose the PXIe-5653.
      Note For PXIe-5831 IF and mmWave instrument, the mmRH-5582(s) appear directly connected to the PXIe-3622.
  4. Validate that your instrument is installed and connected correctly by selecting the PXIe-3622 in the system pane and choosing either of the following:
    Verify associations In the Hardware associations section, click Verify associations.
    Note Verify associations performs an intermediate self-test.
    1. Expand the Troubleshooting section of the configuration pane and click Self-test.
    2. Select Intermediate and then click Ok to run the test.
    Hardware Configuration Utility reports when the hardware setup is validated.