PXIe-5820 Specifications


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Typical-95 specifications describe the performance met by 95% (≈2σ) of models with a 95% confidence.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.

Specifications are Warranted unless otherwise noted.


Warranted specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.

  • Over ambient temperature range of 0 °C to 45 °C.
  • 30 minutes warm-up time.
  • Calibration cycle is maintained.
  • Chassis fan speed is set to High. In addition, NI recommends using slot blockers and EMC filler panels in empty module slots to minimize temperature drift.
  • Calibration IP is used properly during the creation of custom FPGA bitfiles.

Typical specifications do not include measurement uncertainty and are measured immediately after a device self-calibration is performed.

Unless otherwise noted, specifications assume the PXIe-5820 is configured in the following default mode of operation:

  • I/Q IN voltage range: 2.0 Vpk-pk differential
  • I/Q IN common-mode voltage: 0 V
  • I/Q OUT voltage range: 1.0 Vpk-pk differential
  • I/Q OUT common-mode voltage: 0 V
  • I/Q OUT load impedance: 100 Ω differential
Note Within the specifications, self-calibration °C refers to the recorded device temperature of the last successful self-calibration. You can read the self-calibration temperature from the device using the appropriate software functions.

Differential Operation

The I/Q inputs and outputs of the PXIe-5820 support differential operation. This section explains some of the fundamental analog signal processing that occurs in the first stages of the I/Q receiver.

A differential signal system has a positive component (VINPUT(CH+)) and a negative component (VINPUT(CH-)). The differential signal can have a common-mode offset (VIN_COM) shared by both VINPUT(CH+) and VINPUT(CH-). The differential input signal is superimposed on the common-mode offset. The input circuitry rejects the input common-mode offset signal.

In a differential system, any noise present on both VINPUT(CH+) and VINPUT(CH-) gets rejected. Differential systems also double the dynamic range compared to a single-ended system with the same voltage swing. The following figure illustrates the key concepts of differential offset and common-mode offset associated with a differential system.

Figure 1. Definition of Common-Mode Offset and Differential Offset



  • VIN_PP+ represents the peak-to-peak amplitude of the positive AC input signal
  • VIN_PP- represents the peak-to-peak amplitude of the negative AC input signal
  • VDO represents the differential offset voltage
  • VIN_COM represents the common-mode offset voltage
  • VOUT_PP represents the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output signal

In the previous figure, the input common-mode voltage is not present after the first stage of the receiver system. The signal remaining at the output of the receiver circuitry is the signal of interest.

Note The differential signal can have an offset between VINPUT(CH+) and VINPUT(CH-). This is known as the differential offset and is retained by the receiver circuitry.

In an I/Q analyzer, a differential offset can occur because of LO leakage or harmonics. In the case of I/Q generation, a differential offset can cause spurs and magnitude error.

In a phase-balanced differential system, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the positive AC input signal (VIN_PP+) is equal to the peak-to-peak amplitude of the negative AC input signal (VIN_PP-). The AC peak-to-peak amplitude of the output signal is the sum of VIN_PP+ and VIN_PP-. A more general definition for the output voltage regardless of phase is the difference between VIN_PP+ and VIN_PP- described by the following equation:


The common-mode offset, which represents the rejected component common to both signals, is described by the following equation:



Complex I/Q equalized bandwidth[1]

1 GHz

Frequency Range

DC-500 MHz

Note To operate the device in complex baseband mode, configure each channel with identical ranges and termination. Complex baseband mode requires two input signals that are 90° out of phase.

Internal Frequency Reference

Initial adjustment accuracy

±200 × 10-9

Temperature stability

±1 × 10-6, maximum


±1 × 10-6 per year, maximum


Initial adjustment accuracy ± Aging ± Temperature stability

I/Q Input

I/Q Input Common-Mode Accuracy

Table 1. I/Q Input Common-Mode Accuracy, Typical
Common-Mode (V) Accuracy (mV) at 23 °C
-0.25 to 1.50 ±2.5

Conditions: Measured with a DMM. Common-mode offset is not adjusted during self-calibration. Valid for vertical ranges between 0.1 Vpp and 2.0 Vpp, differential. Measured with both input terminals terminated to ground through a high impedance >1 MΩ.

I/Q Input DC Offset

Table 2. I/Q Input Differential DC Offset Error, Typical
Reference Location DC Offset at 23 °C ± 5 °C
At ADC <-57 dBFS
At connector <10 mV
Conditions: Terminated with 100 Ω differential impedance.

I/Q Input Absolute AC Gain Accuracy

Table 3. I/Q Input Absolute AC Gain Accuracy (dB)
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
0.5 to 4.0 ±0.57 ±0.71
±0.15, typical ±0.28, typical
1.0 to 4.0 ±0.44 ±0.57

Conditions: Valid for all common-mode voltages. Measured with 10 MHz CW tone from a 100 Ω differential source.

This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as indicated by the niRFSA Device Temperature property or NIRFSA_ATTR_DEVICE_TEMPERATURE attribute.

I/Q Input Frequency Response

Table 4. I/Q Input Frequency Response[2] (dB)
Frequency Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
100 kHz to 100 MHz 0.5 to 4.0 ±0.31, typical ±0.36, typical
±0.82 ±0.92
1.0 to 4.0 ±0.67 ±0.77
100 kHz to 250 MHz 0.5 to 4.0 ±0.31, typical ±0.36, typical
±0.82 ±0.97
1.0 to 4.0 ±0.67 ±0.83
100 kHz to 500 MHz 0.5 to 4.0 ±0.31, typical ±0.62, typical
±0.82 ±1.22
1.0 to 4.0 ±0.68 ±1.10
10 MHz to 250 MHz 0.5 to 4.0 ±0.10, typical ±0.28, typical
±0.25, typical ±0.62, typical
10 MHz to 500 MHz

Conditions: Valid for all common-mode voltages. Referenced to 10 MHz.

This specification is the individual I or Q channel flatness and is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as indicated by the niRFSA Device Temperature property or the NIRFSA_ATTR_DEVICE_TEMPERATURE attribute.

Figure 2. I/Q Input Frequency Response, Nominal[3]


I/Q Input Settling Time

Table 5. I/Q Input Amplitude Settling Times, Nominal
Proximity to Final Settled Value (dB) Settling Time (µs)
0.5 9
0.1 100
0.05 100
0.01 100

Nominal common-mode voltage settling time (0.01 dB)[4]

1.2 ms

I/Q Input Average Noise Density

Table 6. I/Q Average Input Noise Density, Typical
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) dBm/Hz dBFs/Hz
0.5 -152 -149
1 -143 -146
2 -141 -149
3 -140 -150
Conditions: Terminated with a 100 Ω differential impedance.
Figure 3. Input Average Noise Density vs. Linear Frequency (dBFS/Hz), Nominal [5]


Figure 4. Input Average Noise Density vs. Log Frequency (dBFS/Hz), Nominal [6]


I/Q Input Spectral Characteristics


Table 7. I/Q Input I Channel Highest Harmonic Spur Level (dBc)
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -74 -78 -76 -80
1 -75 -80 -76 -83
2 -76 -81 -73 -80
3 -78 -80 -73 -79
Table 8. I/Q Input Q Channel Highest Harmonic Spur Level (dBc)
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -78 -81 -78 -81
1 -80 -85 -82 -86
2 -79 -82 -80 -85
3 -77 -80 -79 -84
Table 9. I/Q Input I Channel THD (dBc)
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -74 -77 -75 -79
1 -75 -80 -75 -82
2 -76 -80 -73 -79
3 -77 -79 -73 -79
Table 10. I/Q Input Q Channel THD (dBc)
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -76 -79 -77 -81
1 -80 -84 -81 -85
2 -79 -81 -79 -84
3 -76 -79 -78 -83
Table 11. I/Q Input Second Harmonic (dBc), Nominal
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
0.5 -89 -89
1 -89 -88
2 -89 -89
3 -89 -88
Table 12. I/Q Input Third Harmonic (dBc), Nominal
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
0.5 -88 -91
1 -89 -89
2 -86 -85
3 -86 -84


Table 13. I/Q Input Nonharmonics (dBc)
Input Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -80 -82 -79 -81
1 -79 -81 -79 -81
2 -80 -81 -79 -81
3 -80 -81 -80 -82

I/Q Output

I/Q Output Common-Mode Accuracy

Table 14. I/Q Output Common-Mode Accuracy, Typical
Common-Mode (V) Accuracy (mV) at 23 °C
-0.25 to 1.50 ±2

Conditions: Measured with a DMM. Common-mode offset is not adjusted during self-calibration. Valid for vertical ranges between 0.1 Vpp and 2.0 Vpp, differential. Measured with both output terminals terminated to ground through a high impedance >1 MΩ.

I/Q Output DC Offset

Table 15. I/Q Output Differential DC Offset Error[9] (dBr), Typical
Temperature Range I/Q Output DC Offset Error
23 °C ± 5 °C -60
dBr is dB relative to the peak to peak output voltage setting (Vpp, differential).

I/Q Output Absolute AC Gain Accuracy

Table 16. I/Q Output Absolute AC Gain Accuracy (dB)
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C ± 45 °C
0.25 to 2.0 ±0.43 ±0.68
±0.10, typical ±0.35, typical

Conditions: Valid for all common-mode voltages. 10 MHz CW tone into a 100 Ω differential load.

This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as indicated by the niRFSG Device Temperature property or the NIRFSA_ATTR_DEVICE_TEMPERATURE attribute.

I/Q Output Frequency Response

Table 17. I/Q Output Frequency Response (dB)
Frequency Range Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
100 kHz to 100 MHz 0.25 to 2.0 ±0.17, typical ±0.24, typical
±0.51 ±0.61
0.50 to 2.0 ±0.44 ±0.54
100 kHz to 250 MHz 0.25 to 2.0 ±0.17, typical ±0.25, typical
±0.57 ±0.69
0.50 to 2.0 ±0.55 ±0.68
100 kHz to 500 MHz 0.25 to 2.0 ±0.18, typical ±0.36, typical
±0.65 ±0.83
0.50 to 2.0 ±0.59 ±0.80

Conditions: Valid for all common-mode voltages. Referenced to 10 MHz.

This specification is the individual I or Q channel flatness and is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as indicated by the niRFSG Device Temperature property or the NIRFSA_ATTR_DEVICE_TEMPERATURE attribute.

Figure 5. I/Q Output Frequency Response, Nominal[10]


I/Q Output Settling Time

Table 18. I/Q Output Nominal Amplitude Settling Times
Proximity to Final Settled Value (dB) Settling Time (us)
0.5 9
0.1 100
0.05 100
0.01 100

Nominal common-mode settling time (0.01 dB)[11]

1.2 ms

I/Q Output Average Noise Density

Table 19. I/Q Average Output Noise Density, Typical
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) dBm/Hz dBFS/Hz
0.5 -152 -147
1 -154 -155
2 -156 -162
Conditions: Terminated with a 100 Ω differential impedance.

I/Q Output Spectral Characteristics


Table 20. I/Q Output I or Q Channel Highest Harmonic Spur Level (dBc)
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -77 -80 -70 -74
1 -78 -80 -69 -74
2 -69 -71 -66 -68
Table 21. I/Q Output I or Q Channel THD (dBc)
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -75 -78 -69 -73
1 -77 -78 -69 -73
2 -69 -70 -65 -67
Table 22. I/Q Output I or Q Channel Second Harmonic (dBc)
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -72 -82 -67 -77
1 -73 -81 -68 -77
2 -74 -82 -66 -76
Table 23. I/Q Output I or Q Channel Third Harmonic (dBc)
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -73 -81 -69 -78
1 -79 -85 -73 -80
2 -72 -75 -65 -71


Table 24. I/Q Loopback Nonharmonics
Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 10 MHz 100 MHz
Typical Nominal Typical Nominal
0.5 -76 -77 -75 -77
1 -79 -81 -79 -81
2 -80 -82 -79 -81

Additional Performance Information

Image Suppression

Table 25. I/Q Loopback Image Suppression[14] (dBc), Nominal
Complex Bandwidth Image Suppression
200 MHz -69
1 GHz -61

Image suppression is equivalent to or better than the specification at all frequency offsets within the specified bandwidth.


Table 26. Input SINAD and ENOB
Real Bandwidth (MHz) Real SINAD Real ENOB Complex SINAD Complex ENOB
0.5 80.1 13.0 80.5 13.1
1 79.9 13.0 80.4 13.1
2.5 79.7 13.0 80.3 13.1
5 78.8 12.8 79.4 12.9
10 77.9 12.6 78.4 12.7
20 77.7 12.6 78.3 12.7
100 76.3 12.4 77.4 12.6
500 69.5 11.3 70.6 11.4
Complex equalized bandwidth is the combined bandwidth of I and Q channels.
Table 27. Output SINAD and ENOB
Real Bandwidth (MHz) Real SINAD Real ENOB Complex SINAD Complex ENOB
0.5 79.3 12.9 80.5 13.1
1 78.7 12.8 80.1 13.0
2.5 75.8 12.3 77.9 12.6
5 76.8 12.5 78.7 12.8
10 75.8 12.3 77.9 12.6
20 74.3 12.0 76.8 12.5
100 69.7 11.3 72.5 11.8
500 63.6 10.3 66.6 10.8
Complex equalized bandwidth is the combined bandwidth of I and Q channels.

I/Q Loopback Third-Order Intermodulation (IMD3)

Table 28. I/Q Loopback IMD3 (dBc), Typical
Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 0 °C to 45 °C
Center Frequency (MHz)
10 MHz 100 MHz
0.25 -77 -77
-77 -77
1.00 -78 -76
2.00 -73 -72

Conditions: Measured in loopback with two-tone stimulus, each tone is -8 dBFS with a 700 kHz spacing between the tones (equally spaced from the center frequency). IQ In and IQ Out ports are configured with the same Vertical Range and with 0 V common-mode.

Figure 6. 10 MHz IMD3, Nominal[15]


Figure 7. 100 MHz IMD3, Nominal[16]


I/Q Loopback Second-Order Intermodulation (IMD2)

Table 29. I/Q Loopback IMD2 (dBc), Typical
Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential) 0 °C to 45 °C
Center Frequency (MHz)
10 MHz 100 MHz
0.25 -74 -68
-73 -67
1.00 -73 -68
2.00 -73 -67

Conditions: Measured in loopback with two-tone stimulus, each tone is -8 dBFS with a 700 kHz spacing between the tones (equally spaced from the center frequency). IQ In and IQ Out ports are configured with the same Vertical Range and with 0 V common-mode.

Figure 8. 10 MHz IMD2, Nominal[17]


Figure 9. 100 MHz IMD2, Nominal[18]


Application-Specific Modulation Quality

WLAN 802.11ax

EVM (Bandwidth: 80 MHz)[19]

-50 dB, typical

Figure 10. 802.11ax Measured EVM (80 MHz)


WLAN 802.11ac

EVM (Bandwidth: 80 MHz)[20]

-50 dB, typical

EVM (Bandwidth: 160 MHz)[21]

-50 dB, typical

Figure 11. 802.11ac Measured EVM (80 MHz)
Figure 12. 802.11ac Measured EVM (160 MHz)


EVM (Bandwidth: 20 MHz) [22]

-58 dB, typical

Figure 13. LTE Measured EVM (20 MHz)


Baseband Characteristics

Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)

I/Q data rate[23]

19 kS/s to 1.25 GS/s

Digital-to-analog converters (DACs)

I/Q data rate[24]

19 kS/s to 1.25 GS/s

Onboard FPGA


Xilinx Virtex-7 X690T





DSP48 slices


Embedded block RAM

52.9 Mbits

Data transfers

DMA, interrupts, programmed I/O

Number of DMA channels


Onboard DRAM

Memory size

2 banks, 2 GB per bank

Theoretical maximum data rate

12 GB/s per bank

Onboard SRAM

Memory size

2 MB

Maximum data rate (read)

31 MB/s

Maximum data rate (write)

29 MB/s

Front Panel I/O

I/Q IN 0


MMPX (female)

Input coupling, per terminal


Input type


Number of channels


Vertical Range

Input voltage range per I/Q input pin[25] (no damage)

-3 V to 5 V

Common-mode range[26]

-0.25 V to 1.5 V

Maximum vertical range

4 Vpp, differential


DC differential input impedance

100 ± 10 Ω, typical

Figure 14. I/Q Input Impedance, Nominal


Figure 15. I/Q Input Differential Return Loss, Nominal




MMPX (female)

Output coupling, per terminal


Output type


Number of channels


Vertical Range

Maximum voltage range per I/Q output pin (no damage)

Vcom ±3.5 V

Common-mode range[27]

-0.25 V to 1.5 V

Table 30. I/Q Output Vertical Range (Vpp, Differential)
NI-RFSG Signal Bandwidth Setting (Complex) Maximum Vertical Range
≤ 160 MHz 3.4, nominal
≤ 1 GHz 2, typical
Conditions: Into a 100 Ω differential load.


DC differential output impedance

100 ± 10 Ω, typical

Figure 16. I/Q Output Impedance, Nominal


Figure 17. I/Q Output Differential Return Loss, Nominal



Note Frequency Accuracy = Tolerance × Reference Frequency


MMPX (female)


10 MHz


±10 × 10-6


0.7 Vpk-pk to 3.3 Vpk-pk into 50 Ω, typical.

Input impedance

50 Ω, nominal



Note Jitter performance improves with increased slew rate of input signal.



MMPX (female)


10 MHz, nominal


1.65 Vpk-pk into 50 Ω, nominal

Output impedance

50 Ω, nominal





MMPX (female)

Input impedance

10 kΩ, nominal

Output impedance

50 Ω, nominal

Maximum DC drive strength

24 mA

Note Voltage levels are guaranteed by design through the digital buffer specifications.
Table 31. Voltage Levels
Absolute maximum input range -0.5 V to 5.5 V
VIL, maximum 0.8 V
VIH, minimum 2.0 V
VOL, maximum 0.2 V with 100 μA load
VOH, minimum 2.9 V with 100 μA load



Molex Nano-Pitch I/O

5.0 V Power

±5%, 50 mA maximum, nominal

Table 32. DIGITAL I/O Signal Characteristics
Signal Type Direction
MGT Tx± <3..0> Xilinx Virtex-7 GTH Output
MGT Rx± <3..0> Xilinx Virtex-7 GTH Input
MGT REF± Differential Input
DIO <1..0> Single-ended Bidirectional
DIO <7..2> Single-ended Bidirectional
5.0 V DC Output
GND Ground
Note DIO <1..0> pins are multiplexed with MGT REF±.

Digital I/O High Speed Serial MGT

Note For detailed FPGA and High Speed Serial Link specifications, refer to Xilinx documentation.

Data rate

500 Mbps to 12 Gbps, nominal

Number of Tx channels


Number of Rx channels


I/O AC coupling capacitor

100 nF

MGT Tx± <3..0> Channels

Minimum differential output voltage

800 mVpk-pk into 100 Ω, nominal

Conditions: transmitter output swing at maximum setting.

MGT Rx± <3..0> Channels
Table 33. Differential Input Voltage Range
≤6.6 GB/s 150 mVpk-pk to 2,000 mVpk-pk, nominal
>6.6 GB/s 150 mVpk-pk to 1,250 mVpk-pk, nominal

Differential input resistance

100 Ω, nominal

MGT Reference Clock
Note Internal MGT Reference is derived from the Sample Clock PLL. Available frequencies are 2.5 GHz / N, where 4 ≤ N ≤ 32. Set via MGT component level IP (CLIP).
Table 34. Clocking Resources
Data Clock 156.25 MHz
MGT REF± Input 60 MHz to 820 MHz, nominal
MGT REF± Input

AC coupling capacitors

100 nF

Differential input resistance

100 Ω, nominal

Differential input Vpk-pk range

350 mV to 2000 mV, nominal

Absolute maximum input range

-1.25 V to 4.5 V

Note Absolute maximum levels measured at input, prior to AC coupling capacitors.
Figure 18. DIGITAL I/O Nano-Pitch Connector


Power Requirements

Table 35. Power Requirements
Voltage (VDC) Typical Current (A)
+3.3 3.3
+12 6.0
Power is 83 W, typical. Consumption is from both PXI Express backplane power connectors. Conditions: Simultaneous generation and acquisition using NI-RFSG and NI-RFSA at 1.25 GS/s I/Q rate, 45 °C ambient temperature. Power consumption depends on FPGA image being used.



1 year

Physical Characteristics

PXIe-5820 module

3U, two slot, PXI Express module 4.1 cm × 13.0 cm × 21.6 cm1.6 in. × 5.1 in. × 8.5 in.


795 g (28.0 oz)


Maximum altitude

2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

Pollution Degree


Indoor use only.

Operating Environment

Ambient temperature range

0 °C to 45 °C

Relative humidity range

10% to 90%, noncondensing

Storage Environment

Ambient temperature range

-40 °C to 71 °C

Relative humidity range

5% to 95%, noncondensing

Shock and Vibration

Operating shock

30 g peak, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

Random vibration


5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 grms


5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 grms

Compliance and Certifications

Safety Compliance Standards

This product is designed to meet the requirements of the following electrical equipment safety standards for measurement, control, and laboratory use:

  • IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
  • UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1
Note For safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Product Certifications and Declarations section.

Electromagnetic Compatibility

This product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:
  • EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Basic immunity
  • EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions
  • AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions
  • FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions
  • ICES-001: Class A emissions
Note In the United States (per FCC 47 CFR), Class A equipment is intended for use in commercial, light-industrial, and heavy-industrial locations. In Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (per CISPR 11), Class A equipment is intended for use only in heavy-industrial locations.
Note Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medical equipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for the treatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.
Note For EMC declarations, certifications, and additional information, refer to the Product Certifications and Declarations section.

Product Certifications and Declarations

Refer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for NI products, visit ni.com/product-certifications, search by model number, and click the appropriate link.

Environmental Management

NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.

For additional environmental information, refer to the Engineering a Healthy Planet web page at ni.com/environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.

EU and UK Customers

  • 1378 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)—At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must be disposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information about how to recycle NI products in your region, visit ni.com/environment/weee.
  • 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)

  • 1378 中国RoHSNI符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。关于NI中国RoHS合规性信息,请登录 ni.com/environment/rohs_china。(For information about China RoHS compliance, go to ni.com/environment/rohs_china.)
  • 1 Complex equalized bandwidth is the combined bandwidth of I and Q channels. Valid only when using identical gain and termination settings for each I/Q channel.

    2 Referenced to 10 MHz. Digital equalization enabled. Valid only when using identical gain and termination settings for each I/Q channel.

    3 Measured at 23 °C with 0 V common-mode and 1 Vpp vertical range, differential.

    4 Nominal settling time is for max common-mode change.

    5 Terminated with a 100 Ω differential impedance. Linear scale used for frequency axis.

    6 Terminated with a 100 Ω differential impedance. Log scale used for frequency axis.

    7 Conditions: Measured with a -2 dBFS CW tone.

    8 Conditions: Measured with a -2 dBFS CW tone.

    9 Conditions: 100 Ω differential load.

    10 Measured at 23 °C with 0 V common-mode and 1 Vpp vertical range, differential.

    11 Nominal settling time is for max common-mode voltage change.

    12 Conditions: Measured with a -1 dBFS CW tone.

    13 Conditions: Measured in loopback with a -1 dBFS CW tone. The I/Q input vertical range is set to twice the I/Q output vertical range.

    14 Measured at 23 °C. Digital equalization enabled. Valid only when using identical gain and termination settings for each I/Q channel. Measured using short phase matched loopback cables <1 ps.

    15 Measured at 23 °C with both I/Q In and I/Q Out common-mode voltage set to 0 V and with I/Q In vertical range set to 2.0 Vpp, differential.

    16 Measured at 23 °C with both I/Q In and I/Q Out common-mode voltage set to 0 V and with I/Q In vertical range set to 2.0 Vpp, differential.

    17 Measured at 23 °C with both I/Q In and I/Q Out common-mode voltage set to 0 V and with I/Q In vertical range set to 2.0 Vpp, differential.

    18 Measured at 23 °C with both I/Q In and I/Q Out common-mode voltage set to 0 V and with I/Q In vertical range set to 2.0 Vpp, differential.

    19 Loopback with phase matched cables <1 ps; transmit power auto-leveled based on real-time average power measurements; MCS=11.

    20 Loopback with phase matched cables <1 ps; transmit power auto-leveled based on real-time average power measurements; MCS=11.

    21 Loopback with phase matched cables <1 ps; transmit power auto-leveled based on real-time average power measurements; MCS=11.

    22 Loopback with phase matched cables <1 ps; transmit power auto-leveled based on real-time average power measurements.

    23 I/Q data rates lower than 1.25 GS/s are achieved using fractional decimation.

    24 I/Q data rates lower than 1.25 GS/s are achieved using fractional interpolation.

    25 Common-mode voltage plus peak AC voltage.

    26 Valid for all Vpp differential levels with a 100 Ω differential source.

    27 Valid for all Vpp, differential levels.