NI System Configuration API Reference

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Initialize Session (VI)

Initialize Session (VI)

Installed With: NI System Configuration

Initializes any system configuration VI to gather information from a specified target. You must use this VI to obtain a handle for a specified target that can be used in other System Configuration VIs.

Note  This VI communicates to the device at the specified address. If the device is no longer online, but it has previously been discovered in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), this VI succeeds, allowing you to retrieve cached information about the device. To determine if a Real-Time target is online, use the System Property Node to return the System Status property.

Initialize Session


Password specifies the password for the system you are initializing. Leave this input blank if no password has been set.


User Name specifies the username for the system you are initializing. Leave this input blank if no username has been set.


Target specifies the IP address (ex. "" ), MAC address (ex. "00:80:12:34:56:AB" ), or DNS name (ex. "myhost" ) of the target on a local or Real-Time system. The default is localhost .


Force Property Refresh forces properties to be refreshed every time they are read by default. If FALSE, properties may return cached results to improve performance. This input is optional.


Language specifies the language. This input is optional.

Automatic (0)

(default) automatically chooses the language based on the language of LabVIEW installed

Chinese Simplified (x804)

Simplified Chinese

English (x409)


French (x40C)


German (x407)


Japanese (x411)


Korean (x412)



error in (no error) describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.


Connect Timeout specifies the time in milliseconds that the VI waits before the operation times out. The default is 4000 ms (4 s). In some cases, this operation may take longer to complete. Use this timeout with remote systems during initialization only. This input is optional.


Session out returns the refnum for the system.


error out returns error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

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