NI System Configuration API Reference

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Hardware Management VIs

Hardware Management VIs

Owning Palette: System Configuration VIs

Requires: NI System Configuration

The Hardware Management subpalette contains VIs used to control hardware on local and remote systems.

Palette ObjectDescription
Erase FirmwareRemoves the firmware image from the resource or target.
Hardware Property NodeGets or sets properties on local or remote hardware systems.
Save ChangesSaves property changes on a system or device.
Rename AliasChanges the display name of a resource.
Reset ResourceExecutes reset on a specified resource and returns detailed results.
Self-CalibratePerforms a self-calibration. Self-calibration adjusts the calibration constants with respect to an onboard reference stored on the device.
Self-TestVerifies that system devices are able to perform basic I/O functions and returns detailed results.
Upgrade FirmwareUpdates the firmware on the target. You can specify to update a file or the version.
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