NI-SCOPE Properties

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Onboard Signal Processing:DDC:Q Source Property

Onboard Signal Processing:DDC:Q Source Property

Short Name: Q Source

Property of niScope

Specifies the channel that is the input to the Q data stream of the DDC.

Note  For multi-instrument sessions, the channel you define with this property as the Q data stream and the channel for the corresponding I data stream must both be located within the same physical instrument.
Note  This property can be used only with high-speed digitizers that support onboard signal processing (OSP). NI-SCOPE returns an error if you use this property with a device that does not support OSP.

Valid Values: All valid channels for the device

Default Value: The channel to which the property is registered


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Datatype string
High-level VIs N/A
Channel-based Yes
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