NI-RFSA Soft Front Panel Help

August 2021, 373661E-01

This help file contains information about using the NI-RFSA Soft Front Panel (SFP) to interactively control your NI RF vector signal analyzer. The NI-RFSA SFP uses the NI-RFSA driver software for LabVIEW to perform standard, built-in RF signal analyzer operations. This help file includes information about the SFP environment and details about how to perform common measurements. For information about developing applications outside the SFP using the NI-RFSA driver software, refer to Programming Reference.
Tip   The NI-RFSA SFP is compatible with touch-enabled screens.

In addition to this help file, you can learn more about using the NI-RFSA SFP by launching the SFP and selecting Help»Show Context Help or by pressing <Ctrl-H>. With the context help window open, move the cursor over an item, and additional help is displayed.

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