Reconfiguring a Stream

Consider the following scenarios when reconfiguring an NI-FGEN session for peer-to-peer data streaming:
  • If the generation from the previous session completed with a Done Notification, the stream remains linked, but it is disabled. If using the P2P Endpoint Fullness Start Trigger property or the NIFGEN_ATTR_P2P_ENDPOINT_FULLNESS_START_TRIGGER_LEVEL attribute, re-enable the stream using the P2P Enabled property or NIFGEN_ATTR_P2P_ENABLED attribute and initiate generation. If priming from the host using the niFgen Write P2P Endpoint I16 VI or niFgen_WriteP2PEndpointI16, write to the endpoint again to prime it with data before re-enabling the stream and initiating generation. For the manual start generation method, ensure that the writer peer writes to the signal generator endpoint prior to calling the niFgen Initiate Generation VI or niFgen_InitiateGeneration function.
  • If the previous session was aborted, the stream is disabled and you can simply re-enable the stream to perform subsequent generations.