NI-FGEN Soft Front Panel and InstrumentStudio

When you install NI‑FGEN on a 64‑bit system, you can monitor, control, and record measurements from supported devices using InstrumentStudio. InstrumentStudio is a software-based front panel application that allows you to perform interactive measurements on several different device types, including waveform generators, in a single program.

Note InstrumentStudio support was first available in NI‑FGEN 18.1. InstrumentStudio is supported only on 64‑bit systems. If you are using a 32‑bit system, use the NI‑FGEN 32-Bit Soft Front Panel.
InstrumentStudio is automatically installed when you install the NI‑FGEN driver. You can access InstrumentStudio in one of the following ways:
  • From the Windows start menu, select National Instruments»NI‑FGEN Soft Front Panel. This launches InstrumentStudio and runs a soft front panel populated with NI‑FGEN devices.
  • From the Windows start menu, select National Instruments»InstrumentStudio [year]. This launches InstrumentStudio and runs a soft front panel populated with devices detected on your system.
  • From Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), select a device and then click Test Panels.... This launches InstrumentStudio and runs a soft front panel for the device you selected.

For more information on using InstrumentStudio, refer to the InstrumentStudio Manual.